2021 Student Expression Contest Honorees
Aleko Khundadze & Ben Jackson
Our entry empowers justice by raising awareness about those who have fallen victim to the horrors of police brutality. It also reminds those who are standing up against it to always show love and patience, even when your enemy is being violent.
Student: Aleko Khundadze & Ben Jackson
Work: “Fight” (Raising awareness about those who are victims of police brutality)
School: Olathe Northwest High School
KNEA Sponsor: Angie Powers
Awarded: $1,000 Scholarship
Alliance Uwamahoro
My voice allows others to speak up.
Student: Alliance Uwamahoro
Work: “Justice” (My voice allows others to speak up)
School: F.L. Schlagle High School
KNEA Sponsor: LeAnne Richardson
Awarded: $1,000 Scholarship
Leah Pal
Different (Racial equality from an Indian Asian student)
I chose to write a speech because I feel that this topic directly effects me. My race has up till now almost defined my life and who I am as a person. Through my speech I introduce the idea that we are all equal, after all we are all just human. Our race does not define who we are. We our free to be or own unique selves. In writing it, I felt empowered myself, like I could be my own person and not my race. I think it is cool to get a student's perspective on racial equality, because most people believe that racial inequality only happens to adults, but that is not true. People throw around slurs daily directed at others and I feel that all people need is a little push to stand up and get justice for themselves.
Student: Leah Pal
Work:“Different” (Racial equality from an Indian Asian student)
School: Olathe Northwest High School
KNEA Sponsor: Angie Powers
Awarded: $500 Scholarship
Beni Shabani
Enough is Enough
I first saw death in war at the age of 10. Gun violence kills and no one can return from that event. God rest all souls and thank you for allowing my voice to be heard.
Student: Beni Shabani
Work: “Enough is Enough” (Impact of gun violence)
School: F.L. Schlagle High School
KNEA Sponsor: LeAnne Richardson
Awarded: $500 Scholarship