2023 Student Expression Contest Honorees
Alex Allen
Visual Arts
My oil-painting represents that we are all one, and what we do affects each other. Regardless of our religious beliefs, skin color, self identity and different opinions. I wanted to make this piece speak to a bigger audience. There are many symbols in this piece that don't empower justice as much as shine a greater light on the importance of this topic.
Student: Alex Allen
School: Maize South High School
KNEA Sponsor: Sarah Gardner
Awarded: $1,000 Scholarship
Seoyn Sysongdeth
Visual Arts
It is about a person auditioning. When auditioning— you are judged based on your character/how you portray yourself. With the topic of fetishization, I wanted to convey that, when people judge you; you are not what people stereotype you to be, and is your own person instead of an existing idea that causes harm to you or your community. With messages or affirmations that flow from the hand/heart, justice is when you are heard and seen for who you are, and what you experience. Messages like "You are MORE than just EXOTIC" references to the asian fetishization that is harmful and racist. I wanted to depict a Queer, Trans asian boy— Three things that tend to be fetishization a lot, and show that there is more to a person than just looks and impressions. With the bracelet letting the audience know their sexuality, identity and nationality.
Student: Seoyn Sysongdeth
School: Olathe Northwest
KNEA Sponsor: Angie Powers
Awarded: $1,000 Scholarship
Alexandra Hanton
Visual Arts
My piece draws attention to the societal pressures that are placed upon teens to be "perfect" in this day and age. My goal was to reflect the damage these pressures do to the mental health of adolescents. I listed certain emotions and triggers along the border to ensure that the point is not lost.
Student: Alexandra Hanton
School: Olathe Northwest High School
KNEA Sponsor: Jennifer Zimmerli
Awarded: $500 Scholarship
Danica Dixson
Visual Arts
When I think of empowering justice I imagine a world where everyone is free. Free to be themselves. Free to be with who they want to be with. Free to do what they want to do, with out the constraints of sex, race, or religion. My image shows a little girl looking through a window at a better world. A world where we are all free. Free like kids playing together on a playground.
Student: Danica Dixson
School: Salina Central High School
KNEA sponsor: Larry Cullins
Awarded: $500 Scholarship
Addison Otte
Visual Arts
My piece focuses on the personal battles and obstacles people face when speaking about their individual truths. To me, social justice is about making sure each person's views and struggles are heard and validated, and this piece represents that. This self-portrait is surrounded by colored hands which illustrate the different and often pre-conceived points of view that people have when listening. They are all holding recording devices to capture and relay the message the individual is trying to share. In order to take a step towards social justice we must listen to each other and actually hear what is being said.
Student: Addison Otte
School: Hays High School
KNEA sponsor: Jerry Braun
Awarded: $500 Scholarship
Tatiana Esqueda
I wanted my song, to highlight the injustices. The tragedies which shock and the daily problems which break our hearts. I wanted to talk about the elephant in the room, because only then can we move in the right direction. The horse doesn’t gallop until it feels that whip, often we don’t move until we feel uncomfortable. I want my song to raise awareness, not only about the corruption but about the power of each voice. This project began with me and God and ended with my community. I believe that in and of itself is power.
Student: Tatiana Esqueda
School: Wichita North High
KNEA Sponsor: Shannon Edwards
Awarded: $1,000 Scholarship
Abigail Hutchins
Spoken Word
My entry empowers justice for the American students whose voices are not listened to and whose views are ignored by the ones who decide their fate. I entered a Spoken Word piece intending to call out the system which is failing its next generation of leaders, hoping to bring awareness so that my fellow classmates will be better listened to and less frightened to go to school.
Student: Abigail Hutchins
School: El Dorado High School
KNEA Sponsor: Heather Fangmann
Awarded: $1,000 Scholarship
Aaron Hails
This is how social justice starts. Standing up against discrimination and speaking up to support fellow students.
Student: Aaron Hails
School: Gardner-Edgerton H.S.
KNEA Sponsor: Lori Stratton
Awarded: $500 Scholarship
Alexa Oatman
Mental health and mental health awareness is a social justice issue because mental health stigma is a real problem. Acknowledging and accepting that young people struggle with anxiety and depression can empower them and help them feel like they're not alone.
Student: Alexa Oatman
School: Gardner-Edgerton H.S.
KNEA sponsor: Lori Stratton
Awarded: $500 Scholarship